Art for Conservation

As a child, and I confess even as an adult, it is the work of people such as David Attenborough and Jane Goodall that warm my south, and inspire me to believe that there is good in this world, and we are making positive steps towards change. In the face of climate change, globalisation, war... Continue Reading →

The Value of Art in Our Troubled World

People have been making art for centuries. We are the only species that creates something purely for aesthetic value. As beautiful as the bower bird’s boudoir may be - its function is purely sexual. And whilst throughout the centuries art has been and continues to be used as currency, trade goods, allegory, decoration, status symbol,... Continue Reading →

The Conservation Conversation

Through discussing, sharing ideas, sharing inspiration and encouraging others, we can help the plight of threatened species and habitats everywhere. From Borneo's shrinking cloud forests to wildlife havens torn apart by civil wars and religious conflicts, there are countless issues and countless stories. Which is why I am asking you to join in the Conservation... Continue Reading →

The Art of Looking

I'm used to seeking inspiration for my art from grand, sweeping landscapes and detailed scenes, but with a new series of works in the pipeline, I'm going to change the way I look at things, focusing on the details and analysing anatomy and the senses with a new purpose. Because when we stop to think... Continue Reading →

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