A Different Kind Of Painting

The process of this watercolour painting was quite different to my usual habits. I’d consider myself not the most imaginative of thinkers: I can’t conjure up brand new innovations or fully formed expressions in my head. I imagine in little snippets, carried away by a melancholy piece of music or an emotion, or just a... Continue Reading →

The Art Of Waiting

Unless you're exceptionally lucky, you have to rely on other people to get your art out there. What I mean by this is that you can't fly solo. You can't just lock yourself up in your studio, paint all day and hope it will sell. You have to rely on a wide scope of people... Continue Reading →

Why I Love Watercolours

If I had to choose to only ever paint in one medium again, I'd find myself torn between my two loves, oils and watercolours. It's a pretty 50/50 split in the works that I do, and both mediums have their advantages and disadvantages. Both are notoriously tricky to master, as well. I think for me,... Continue Reading →

Painting the Night Sky

It might be mid winter, but in Malta, we're pretty lucky with our long hours or sunlight, mild winters and relatively steady climate. What this island is unfortunately not very good for is stargazing, as there's far too much light pollution - apart from in a few hard-to-get-to places - to see anything more than... Continue Reading →

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