Photo Blog: Wildlife of Chile and Patagonia

It's World Wildlife Day, a day that fills me with joy and where I dig out all my favourite Attenborough documentaries. The natural world is extraordinary seen through the lens of a film camera, but it's even more extraordinary when you can witness it first hand. Having been to plenty of zoos and wildlife parks... Continue Reading →

Back To Patagonia

I’m afraid this is a slightly misleading blog post title. I’m not heading back to Patagonia any time soon, though of course I would love to. It’s been almost a year and a half since I headed out into the wilderness on my honeymoon, and quite a lot has changed since then. More importantly, my... Continue Reading →

Cosmic Thoughts – Strange Worlds

Looking out over the vast expand of flat flood-plain, you’d be forgiven for thinking that someone had turned the colours off. Grey, stretching in all directions like spilled ashes. The ground is a vast expanse of charcoal, permeated by a fine dusting of frost that just occasionally catches in the light as it tries to... Continue Reading →

Finding Darwin

“The climate is certainly wretched: the summer solstice was now passed, yet every day snow fell on the hills, and in the valleys there was rain, accompanied by sleet. From the damp and boisterous state of the atmosphere, not cheered by a gleam of sunshine, one fancied the climate even worse than it really was.”... Continue Reading →

Inspired By A City

11,710km. 7 million people. 19 short days. There's a lot to learn about a city more than half the world away. A city that's closer to Antarctica than it is to home. This post isn't about art, it's about thoughts. More importantly, the thoughts that Santiago stirred in me. From watching England crumble at the... Continue Reading →

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