Why Beautiful Places Are The Hardest To Paint

There's a moment in every painting when you have a choice. A choice to carry on or move on. You’ve put in hours of thought, sketches, colour studies, and laid out the first marks on the canvas. You’re now fully invested in the painting in front of you, but for some reason, something just isn’t... Continue Reading →

Back To Patagonia

I’m afraid this is a slightly misleading blog post title. I’m not heading back to Patagonia any time soon, though of course I would love to. It’s been almost a year and a half since I headed out into the wilderness on my honeymoon, and quite a lot has changed since then. More importantly, my... Continue Reading →

Cosmic Thoughts – Strange Worlds

Looking out over the vast expand of flat flood-plain, you’d be forgiven for thinking that someone had turned the colours off. Grey, stretching in all directions like spilled ashes. The ground is a vast expanse of charcoal, permeated by a fine dusting of frost that just occasionally catches in the light as it tries to... Continue Reading →

Inspiring Space Painters

I probably spend a bit too much time thinking about the stars, wishing I could see more of them from light-polluted skies, and wishing I could understand the complicated physics a little better. Space has been inspiring everyone for centuries, whether it's small children learning of the planets and the Sun to budding astronomers collecting... Continue Reading →

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